Sprayon专注维修保养化学品70年,Sprayon领导全球MRO技术优势,Sprayon S00708特氟龙喷剂,Sprayon S00710防锈蜡,

Sprayon SP 857 S00857 BLAST EM™ WASP & HORNET KILLERE驱虫剂

Sprayon SP 857 S00857 BLAST EM™ WASP & HORNET KILLERE驱虫剂(sprayon_S00857)

Industrial-Strength Insecticide Designed to Kill Insects Quickly
Flushing Action and Fast Knockdown
For Indoor or Outdoor Use
EPA reg. No. 1021-1615-64695

Sprayon® SP™ 859 Hit Squad™ Industrial Insecticide is a fast knockdown insecticide for use in institutions, food processing plants, apartments, garages, hotels, motels, and animal quarters. Contains a residual that lasts for we



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