Sprayon专注维修保养化学品70年,Sprayon领导全球MRO技术优势,Sprayon S00708特氟龙喷剂,Sprayon S00710防锈蜡,

Sprayon SP 856 S00856 INSECT REPELLENT II驱虫剂

Sprayon SP 856 S00856 INSECT REPELLENT II驱虫剂(sprayon_S00856)

EPA reg. No. 10900-72-64695
23.75% Deet

Sprayon® SP™ 856 Insect Repellent II contains a combination of active ingredients to protect against insect bites up to four hours under normal use. Frequent applications and saturation is unnecessary for effectiveness.



地址: 上海市嘉定区叶城路1818号

邮编: 201802

联系人: 龙小姐

电话: 021-58528856

传真: 02-58528166

手机: 13917171467

邮箱: 13917171467@163.com
