Sprayon专注维修保养化学品70年,Sprayon领导全球MRO技术优势,Sprayon S00708特氟龙喷剂,Sprayon S00710防锈蜡,

Sprayon SP 603 BLUE LAYOUT DYE蓝色标签喷剂

Sprayon SP 603 BLUE LAYOUT DYE蓝色标签喷剂(sprayon_S00603)

Does Not Contain Methlylene Chloride
Dries Quickly; Will Not Rub Off
Sticks To Metal And Glass

Sprayon® SP™ 603 Blue Layout Dye applies a smooth, even coat for all layout work. Dark blue color provides sharp contrast of scribed lines against clean surface. Dries instantly and will not rub off. Fine clean lines can be drawn on this non-glaring, non-flaking coating. Adheres to all metals, aluminum or glass. Removes easily with Sprayon® SP™ 606 Layout Dye Remover.



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邮箱: 13917171467@163.com
