Sprayon专注维修保养化学品70年,Sprayon领导全球MRO技术优势,Sprayon S00708特氟龙喷剂,Sprayon S00710防锈蜡,

Sprayon SP 031 CARTON STENCIL INK纸板模具油墨剂

Sprayon SP 031 CARTON STENCIL INK纸板模具油墨剂(sprayon_S03105)

Meets MIL-A-A-208B Requirements
Match Federal 595 Standards
New and Improved Formula and Spray Package
Waterproof and Weather Resistant

Sprayon® SP™ 031 Carton Stencil Inks are highly opaque and fast drying. They are specifically formulated for stenciling and marking a wide variety of surfaces. Bold, high-contrast colors leave a sharp, clean edge without smearing, smudging or rippling. Temporarily marks slightly-oily surfaces. Excellent durability and adhesion to hot surfaces. Ideal for color coating and marking of steel coils.



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邮编: 201802

联系人: 龙小姐

电话: 021-58528856

传真: 02-58528166

手机: 13917171467

邮箱: 13917171467@163.com
